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TRS 00093
¢ºÇ¹Ã¶¸ÃÃÁ´Ò 211 ¡Ãا෾ - µÐ¾Ò¹ËÔ¹
·Ó¢ºÇ¹â´Â ö¨Ñ¡Ã´Õà«Åä¿¿éÒ General Electric (GEK) 4048
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Çѹ·Õè 3 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2556; 14.24 ¹.
GEK 4048 General Electric Diesel-Electric Locomotive
at the head of 211 Ordinary Train to Tapan Hin
walked through field between Chiang Rak and Chiang Rak Noi station
2oI3; July 3rd; 2.24pm