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Home / Buildings and Infrastructures / Tunnels / BDIS 00112

BDIS 00112

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BDIS 00112


BDIS 00112
Description: ÍØâÁ§¤ìà¢Ò¾ÅÖ§ (´éÒ¹ãµé)

µÑé§ÍÂÙèã¹¾×é¹·Õè µ.ËéÇÂäÃè Í.à´è¹ªÑ ¨.á¾Ãè ºÃÔàdz ¡Á.516+410.66 ¶Ö§ ¡Á.516+773.10 ÃÐËÇèÒ§ ʶҹջҧµé¹¼Öé§ (¡Á.509.36) - ʶҹÕËéÇÂäÃè (¡Á.517.02)
µÑÇÍØâÁ§¤ìÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÂÒÇ 362.44 àÁµÃ ÀÒÂã¹à»ç¹¼¹Ñ§ËÔ¹´Ò´¤Í¹¡ÃÕµ áÅкҧÊèǹà»ç¹¼¹Ñ§ËÔ¹Åéǹæ ãªéËÁ͹äÁéà¹×éÍá¢ç§áÅÐÃÒ§ 70 ÍÒÃì (12.00 àÁµÃ)
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¶èÒÂàÁ×èÍ 21/12/2550

Khao Phlung Tunnel (South)

The 362.44 m long tunnel was built in 1910 at tambol Huai rai, Denchai district, Phare province,
in northern line between km.516+410.66 and km.516+773.10
Date : 21/12/2007
Date: 01/01/2008 11:26
Hits: 4946
Downloads: 38
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 329.8 KB
Added by: CivilSpice
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