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Y - 25 Bogie of Bogie Cement Hopper Wagon ( Pressure Disharge ) ( BCP. ) No. 444416
at Lam Chi Station Tambon Kor Kho Amphoe Muang, Surin
May 14, 2008 07:51 A.M.
á¤Ãè Y - 25 à»ç¹á¤ÃèẺªÔé¹à´ÕÂÇ ( One Piece Bogie ) ÁըشÃѺ¹éÓ˹ѡÍÂÙè·Õè¨Ò¹ÈÙ¹Âì¡ÅÒ§á¤Ãèà¾Õ§¨Ø´à´ÕÂÇ ( One Point Load )