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DEL 02636
ö¨Ñ¡Ã´Õà«Åä¿¿éÒ ÍÑÅʸÍÁ ËÁÒÂàÅ¢ 4407 ·Ó¢ºÇ¹Ã¶â´ÂÊÒøÃÃÁ´Ò·Õè 260 ¹éÓµ¡-¸¹ºØÃÕ ¼èҹʶҹյé¹ÊÓâç ÍÓàÀÍàÁ×Í§Ï ¨Ñ§ËÇÑ´¹¤Ã»°Á àÁ×èÍÇѹ·Õè 2 ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹ 2551 àÇÅÒ 09.07 ¹.
The Ordinary train no.260 Nam Tok - Thon Buri
Locomotive : Alsthom no 4407
Location : Ton Sam Rong station, Nakhon Pathom
Date/Time : Nov2,2008 , 09.07 a.m.