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DEL 02803
ö¨Ñ¡Ã´Õà«Åä¿¿éÒ ÍÑÅʸÍÁ ËÁÒÂàÅ¢ 4230 ·Ó¢ºÇ¹Ã¶´èǹ¾ÔàÈÉÃÐËÇèÒ§»ÃÐà·È·Õè 36 ºÑµàµÍÃìàÇÍÃì¸-¡Ãا෾ ¼èҹʶҹÕâ¾Ã§ÁÐà´×èÍ ¨.¹¤Ã»°Á àÁ×èÍÇѹ·Õè 8 ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹ 2552 àÇÅÒ 09.08 ¹.
The International Express no 36 Butterworth-Bangkok
Locomotive : Alsthom no.4230
Location : Prong Madua station
Date/Time : November 8, 2009 09.08 a.m.