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Home / Diesel Railcars / Tokyu (NKF) / DRC 01182

DRC 01182

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DRC 01182


DRC 01182
Description: ö¡ÓÅѧ´Õà«ÅÃÒ§ÁÕËéͧ¢Ñº NKF 1230
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Çѹ·Õè 22 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554 àÇÅÒ 14.34 ¹.

NKF Series 1230 Bogie Power Diesel Railcar with Driving Cab, Was the first car in 72 Express from Srikoraphum.

Taken near Km10th, where the Freight Duties Line cross norther/northeastern Line

2011; August 22nd, 2.34 pm
Keywords: NKF, 1230, 72, 22 ÊÔ§ËÒ¤Á 2554
Date: 24/08/2011 16:09
Hits: 2157
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 200.4 KB
Added by: siding_semaphore
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